Wednesday, September 26, 2007

My goals #3

It was last summer before I came here in Canada I wanted to get into a audition for ARMY school , but when I aplly to get into thaht school , the first time I didn't make it because my weight.
After I got that answer I was exercising a lot I needed to waske up every day 5 o'clock in the morning and together with mt dad we went ruing a got a personal trainer and I was doing that for about 3 mounths and on September 4 I aply againg even the school started and I was waiting for the anwer but 3 days latter we got a letter that we are accepted to come in canada so my dad needed to tell me even he was feeling really bad for me , becasue he knew that I was trying really hard to get into that kind of High School so he told me about the Letter and I accepted even deep inside of me I didn't wanted to come but I knew that they were trying really hard to come here so I needed to do that becasue they are a big support to me and I need to be too.
So after I got here Irecive a phone call from the Scholl and they told me that I was accepted but It was too late but the work I've done it's not worthless becasue I still want that and all the exercise helm a lot in my life.

MY GOALS in the future :
Probably after High School I am going to university for Crime Sciene Investigation like a detective or maby some high level in the army i still don't know

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