Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Business, Politics, and Ethics Questions

1.If you smoked marijuana as a teenager and were now filling out an employment questionnaire asking whether you had ever used drugs, how would you respond? Assume you must sign an affidavit swearing to the truth of your statements.

*********** If I smoked marijuana when I was a teenager and now I am filling out and employment form , I will say the true , even It's not something I should feel proud about that, but it's better that way , to be honest because they will find out maybe not right away , maybe it needs more time but they are going to discover everyhing about you soon or later on.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Employment standard

About the question Do I need to work overtime if the boss ask me to I thought that you have the right to choose but I was surprised when the answer was that the it is required. For the question Can I work a split shift from 6am-10am and 7pm-11pm I thought that you can because you can choose But you can't because the shifts are too close. Do I have to attend meetings on a day off , Yes you do because it a part from you are job eve you are not working. Will I get time and a half if I work on Christmas day , Boxing , New years eve and New years day . Yes you will get time and a half only on Christmas day and New years day . Can I work in a restaurant for 5$ plus tips which is going to bring my salary to 8$ - No you can't work it's illegal because the minimum wage is 8$ per hour.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Minimum Wadge

After seenig the 30 days movie based about the life in America and how the people live there you can actually see that in Canada the people can aford better life . In the United States of America the starting wadge is 5$55c so that is a little amount of money to survive in a expensive world .

Friday, November 2, 2007

Journal Entry - Bowling for Columbine

After whatching this movie I was really suprise how in the United States of America it's legal everyone to have gun even kids.
The things that I was upsed most about the movie is that even this is happening in the whole world why nobody wants to take the responsability about what is happening .
The stuff that I learn from this movie is that you can't be safe in real life because you don't know what is going to happend tomorrow , maybe someone is going to come with a gun and shoot you in you are head .

Monday, October 29, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Stress Assigment

1. Stress is not something we can ignore in our life's Handling the stress is much more than avoiding it and , in doing so , avoiding all challenges and possible successes.

2. You can you identify stress in many different ways there is positive caused by happy circumstances and Negative caused by unhappy circumstances.

3.You can relieve stress on many different ways depends on what kind of stress you are dialing in your life , for example :
- Time management
- Recognize your your symptoms of stress
- Get enough sleep

****** Stress Action plans
1.One stress in my life is friends
1.One stress in my life is school
1.One stress in my life is relationships

2.I have this stress because in some circumstances they don't act like usually , they get really annoying and they act really in mature for they're age.
2. I have stresses with school because sometimes the teachers give to much for homework what is going to be due the next day without considering they there is some other stuff and there is another subjects.
2.Sometimes I have stress in relationship doesn't matter what kind of relationship it is when something goes wrong and they want to have the power on your own life .

3. I can identify this stress by being in the situation where the stuff are happening
3. I can identify this stress by being in the situations
3. I can identify this stress by body messages and feelings

4. I will deal with this stress by just attitudes because I don't need to be the one who needs to dial with their life's and with the thing that their in mature , they need to grow up.
4.I can deal with this stress by relaxation techniques , don't try to be perfect and have some fun and have enough sleep
4.I can deal with this stress by be with the people you enjoy and laugh , exercise .

5.About reduce my reaction in stress will be the same like in the question #4 , that is the way I will deal with the stresses in my life.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Journal Entry #6

1. If I was dating someone for two weeks that a short period of time for me to know somebody because you don't judge people how they look outside, or the way u are attractive to them u look inside but that is a Short period of time so that why I can be sexually active , Even If I know I like but I can be sure that he is not going to leave me after that.